Strategic communications built on brand intelligence.
Brand Dialogue provides unparalleled strategic communications advice based on quantitative and qualitative research, decades of brand intelligence, led by an experienced team of international directors with local and global branding expertise.

Brand Dialogue is the only strategic communications advisory with access to the data, insights, and deep expertise of Brand Finance, the world’s leading brand valuation consultancy.
The Brand Dialogue team develops bespoke communications strategies that celebrate and amplify the unique history and value of iconic brands. While we work with all types of companies, our portfolio includes decades-long partnerships with heritage brands that are beloved around the world.
In addition to our band-driven advisory services, Brand Dialogue can execute and deliver results based on our strategic recommendations.
Our service offering includes:

Beyond basic media training, Brand Dialogue integrates our proprietary data and research of your organisation to deliver bespoke, brand-driven strategic insights. Developed and led by a former journalist with 20 years of media experience in broadcast and print news, we combine insider industry knowledge with bespoke brand intelligence to maximise the results of every media engagement.

Authoritative, purposeful content is a powerful tool for brands to add value. Our team creates content that showcases your brand through earned, owned, and paid media, including the exclusive opportunity for publication of spotlight articles in Brand Finance research and reports.
We also support brands with media announcements, pitching and media relations, events management, and social media marketing.

The Brand Dialogue team is spearheaded by industry pioneer David Haigh and includes former journalists, seasoned public relations professionals, brand intelligence experts, and a global network of experienced international directors.

Brand Dialogue UK - Headquarters